The COVID-19 pandemic has been hindering people from going back to their everyday lives. Many people find it unsafe to visit public places or do something that can expose them and make them sick. For instance, going to salons for haircuts and hair treatments may not be the best option for women these days. Some people may also opt to leave their tresses untrimmed or untreated because of budget problems.
But don't worry, for you can still do something to manage your unkempt hair and style a fabulous haircut even in the comfort of your home. Learn more about the dos and don'ts of DIY haircuts and check out simple yet stylish trims that any woman can do at home.
Preparing What You Need and Should Do for a DIY Haircut
Before jumping into the trimming scene, it's essential to know the dos and don'ts of home haircutting as well as the things you'll need throughout the session. Here are crucial tips that you must take note of:
1. Research and ask for helpful advice before attempting a DIY haircut.
Unless you're a professional hairstylist or have been well-trained in hairdressing, you need to research first how to cut one's hair. You can watch online tutorials for the steps or even ask someone who knows how to cut hair.
2. Prepare the right things you'll need during the haircut session.
If you think that a pair of scissors and a comb is enough to pull through a nice haircut (unless you're very skilled), you may need to back out from your plan first. You'll need:
a. A pair of steel shears
It can't be just any kind of scissors for chopping and trimming your hair. To quickly cut those edges and tresses away, you need a pair of steel shears, the one that you often see in salons and barbershops.
b. Cutting comb
For haircutting, you'll need a comb with fine and wide teeth. This kind of comb makes it more comfortable to part your hair into sections during your trimming session.
c. Mirror
Of course, you'll have to see your reflection so that you can check your improvement from time to time and ensure you don't cut your hair unevenly. (Be careful, especially with your bangs.)
d. Spray bottle with water
If you have noticed, most hairdressers will spray some water while cutting your hair. This step helps lubricate and bind your hair, making haircutting easier and smoother.
e. A blow-dryer
After wetting your hair, it would be best to blow-dry your hair to see the after-results. Blow-drying will also help make some final touches and make your hair look bouncier and more voluminous.
f. Miscellaneous items
If you've got time to spare for minimal steps, you may also want to use powder to prevent hair from sticking on your skin, a protective garment to prevent hair from getting inside your clothes, and hair oil to give your tresses extra luster after the haircut. Although these items may not be vital during the hairdressing, you may want to use them to keep yourself comfortable throughout the session.

5 Simple Yet Stylish Haircuts That Women Can Do at Home
Now that you have prepared for the haircut session, you may choose one out of the five haircuts you can do at home.
1. Blunt Bob
If you have short tresses, you may want to try sporting a blunt bob to keep your locks in place. Not only is it timeless, but it's also one of the most effortless cuts you can make at home. After wetting your hair, start by dividing your hair into three sections (left, right, and back) while your head's tilting down. Then, make an arched cut at the back portion. Blow-dry the hair on that section before trimming the ends to give your hair some texture. Follow the arch's cut towards the left and right sections to finish off this blunt bob cut.
2. Hair with fringes
If you're afraid to cut your whole hair yet bored of having the plain Jane look, you can try sporting some bangs. As a matter of fact, it's easy to cut some fringes. You only need a comb and a pair of scissors to create this hairstyle. Using your comb, locate and form a triangular shape on the apex of your forehead. Then separate this triangle from the rest of your hair, for this particular section will become your fringes. The more hair strands that you separate, the denser the edges would be. Flip the fringe section and gently trim the ends until you reach your desired length. You can either cut them straight or create some layers for style. Just be careful not to hurt your eyes or face during the process.
3. Straight hair cut
Straight hair cut will also be a classic style for women, whether your hair's long or short. It's also less complicated to prep your hair in the morning or after a shower. Plus, cutting your hair straight is a lot easier than most hairdos. For this do-it-at-home haircut, you'll need elastic bands or hair ties, a wide-toothed comb, and a pair of trimming scissors. Start by brushing your hair to remove the tangles that may prevent you from achieving a straight hair cut. Then, tie your hair with the elastic band to help you know where to cut your hair. Using your fingers, hold the portion below the tie where you want to cut. Don't forget to snip those tresses with a pair of sharp cutting shears to ensure their straightness.
After cutting it, remove the ponytail and part your hair into two sections, each section hanging on your shoulder. Then, using the same fingers, start cutting your hair in a straight direction until reaching the desired hair length. Your shoulders serve as your guide as to how straight your hair cut should be. Do the same steps on the other section, ensuring that it has the same length as the other one.
4. Layered Lob
If you want a longer yet textured haircut for your tresses, you can opt to sport a lob or long bob. Start by dividing your hair on one side, and then tie your hair with an elastic band. Create a gap below the first elastic band and bind it again on shoulder length with a ponytail holder. After that, loosen your tresses above your ears and start cutting your hair from the second hair tie. You don't have to worry if you don't have super sharp scissors, for a layered cut doesn't have to be straight. Remove the elastic band, comb your tresses then divide your hair into two even parts. Softly point cut section by section to soften the ends and create some layers.
5. Pixie cut
Do you want to go short all the way? You can have a pixie cut to sport something new and refreshing. For this look, you'll need a pair of shears (of course), an electric razor, and a safety blade guard. Start shaving the sides of your head in an upward direction using your razor and safety guard. Make sure to brush up the strands that you don't want to shave. Once you're done, clean the sides, mainly above your ears, using your steel shears. Then, gently trim the rest of your hair on the apex of your ahead.

Post-Haircut Op: Do's and Don'ts After Your Home Hair Cut
Once you're finished with all the trimming and clipping, there are things you still need to consider to maintain the beauty of your haircut. Below are some tips you should do and not do post-haircut.
1. Blow-dry your tresses.
You might have sprayed some water on your hair while trimming. Blow-drying your tresses after a haircut will dry the wet portions of your hair.
2. Avoid over-washing.
You might become too excited about your new haircut, but remember to stay calm and avoid over-washing your hair. It can remove the excess sebum on your head, leaving your hair and scalp dry and lifeless.
3. Have your hair checked and cut by your hairdresser.
Despite the pandemic, it would be best to book a private (and safe) appointment with your trusted hairdresser. There might be some flaws in how you have cut your tresses, and it would be better to have them corrected. You can also ask for practical tips on snipping your hair beautifully, even in the comfort of your home.
Don't Be Afraid to Try Something Fresh and Different.
You may not be experienced in haircutting, but cutting your hair will always be a helpful experience. Learning how to trim and snip your tresses will also help you save money and keep safe against the threatening pandemic. Remember to follow the essential steps in haircutting and take good care of your locks using the best hair growth products.
Preserve the Beauty of Your Stylish Haircut.
It's not just enough to get a good haircut to keep your locks beautiful. It's also essential to maintain your hair's healthy state with hair growth products that can moisturize and strengthen your locks. Therefore, you should keep your haircut's high-quality condition by using a hair thickening shampoo.